If you want to make them, then here's how!
You will need; Flour, Cornflour (The original recipe is American and used cake flour, which you can't get here in the UK so I'm using plain flour with some cornflour mixed in to substitute.), Milk, Salt, Baking Powder, Sugar (the recipe says white sugar but I'm a tool and forgot to buy some so I used brown; it tasted fine!), Vanilla Essence, Butter, Eggs and Maple Syrup.
Also if you haven't already then you should get some of these. Measuring cups will change your life. Throw away those scales! Its all about cups and spoons round here!
Put all the dry ingredients in one bowl and give them a quick mix. Don't worry about using a sieve; I now have learned that lumpy batter gives lighter, fluffier pancakes! When measuring out quantities for the flour/cornflour mix, allow 2 tablespoons of cornflour for every one cup of flour.
Then put the milk and eggs in a separate bowl or jug.
And beat it until its nice and frothy.
Then add some vanilla. Yum.
This bit is important (apparently). While slowly stirring the mixture, drizzle the egg/milk/vanilla concoction into the bowl. If you don't do this, life as you know it will end.
And now it should be lovely and light, WITH LUMPS. Trust me, I know of what I speak.
Now get some butter in a bowl. Butter makes everything better.
Especially when its melted and poured into whatever you happen to be making. Mix it up til it blends into the rest of the batter. Your thighs may not thank me, but your taste buds will.
Now its time to crack out the pancake pan, and pour some batter over a medium/low heat and let it cook for a couple of minutes.
Until it looks like this
Then turn that baby over! When I was cooking these, my kitchen smelled of microwave butter popcorn. YUM.
Now you need this. And don't skimp, get the good stuff! There's no point in making pancakes this good unless you are going to finish the job properly!
Hello lover. If you'll excuse me, the pancakes and I need some time alone together.
Ingredients - Serves 6
- 3 cups Plus 2 Tablespoons Plain Flour
- 6 Tablespoons Cornflour
- ½ teaspoons Salt
- 3 Tablespoons Baking Powder
- 2 Tablespoons Sugar
- 2 cups Milk
- 2 whole Large Eggs
- 3 teaspoons Vanilla
- 4 Tablespoons Butter
- Extra Butter
- Maple Or Pancake Syrup
Preparation Instructions
Mix together dry ingredients in large bowl.
Mix together milk, eggs, and vanilla in a separate bowl or jug.
Slowly add milk mixture to dry ingredients, stirring constantly.
Melt butter and add it to the batter.
Cook on a greased pan over medium-low heat. Serve with an obscene amount of butter and warm syrup.